Best Places to See the Sunrise
If you’re not already a morning person, then the Land of the First Light may very well change your perspective.
Tzer Fishing Charters is a full time fishing charter, operating all year around.
Tzer Fishing Charters is a full time fishing charter, operating all year around. Tzer Charters will get you and your friends out into some seriously great fishing action. Our boat Tzer, is a custom built White Pointer designed for comfort, fishability and safety. We can accommodate parties of up to six angler's, and we focus on providing a range of tailored packages for deepwater fishing, jigging, game fish, etc.
We encourage ladies to get into fishing by offering a ladies only package.
Please contact us for further details. pad-top-default pad-bot-default vheight-default mike
From significant historical landmarks to stunning natural wonders, Tairāwhiti is home to an extraordinary mix of must-see and must-do attractions and experiences. pad-top-default pad-bot-default vheight-default mike
With a calendar of year-round entertainment and experiences to delight you, the land of the first light is a fun-filled destination that offers something for everyone.