Best Places to See the Sunrise
If you’re not already a morning person, then the Land of the First Light may very well change your perspective.
Mahaanui is a traditional 614-hectare sheep and beef farm located in remote hill country. The drive time to the property is 50 minutes from Gisborne. Mahaanui offers an authentic New Zealand farm accommodation and experience for visitors of all ages.
Mahaanui Farmstay offers two private accommodation options: self-contained home Mahaanui Cottage and 10-bed backpacker hostel Mahaanui Quarters.
Both the Cottage and Quarters are comfortable, private and offer breath-taking hill country views with private access to the gorgeous Hangaroa River (after a short walk).
Mahaanui Farmstay also has several different activities and opportunities available for guests. There are marked walking tracks, swimming holes, waterfalls, starry skies and optional farm activities available. There is something for all fitness levels and age groups, so don’t worry, nobody will miss out on the fun. pad-top-default pad-bot-default vheight-default mike
From significant historical landmarks to stunning natural wonders, Tairāwhiti is home to an extraordinary mix of must-see and must-do attractions and experiences. pad-top-default pad-bot-default vheight-default mike
With a calendar of year-round entertainment and experiences to delight you, the land of the first light is a fun-filled destination that offers something for everyone.