Best Places to See the Sunrise
If you’re not already a morning person, then the Land of the First Light may very well change your perspective.
A large waterfront villa home set up to accommodate overseas working holiday visa holders. Help is given to find work in the growing local kiwifruit orchards and pack houses. There's also unique stuff to discover at The Wharf Hub and locally.
Fantastic longer term accommodation for working backpackers and also a center for discovery.
The Wharf Hub is a place for both being and for doing, a place for both inner restoration and helping others, a place to discover what inspires you.
The Wharf Hub offers good clean inexpensive 'ship shape' accommodation, ii is also an active retreat offering different experiences, like standing in awe before a 2000 year old burial tree named Taketakerau. These are listed on our web site.
The house has full cooking facilities, four bedrooms, a boat house, two bathrooms and decks aplenty. Places to mingle and spaces to retreat.
What you gain from your stay you can take away. pad-top-default pad-bot-default vheight-default mike
From significant historical landmarks to stunning natural wonders, Tairāwhiti is home to an extraordinary mix of must-see and must-do attractions and experiences. pad-top-default pad-bot-default vheight-default mike
With a calendar of year-round entertainment and experiences to delight you, the land of the first light is a fun-filled destination that offers something for everyone.