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Getting to Gisborne from outside the area is easy. Air New Zealand flies into Gisborne Airport, and Intercity buses take you from most major towns right to the Gisborne i-SITE Visitor Information Centre on Grey Street.
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Gisborne City itself is fantastically compact – it’s only a 5-minute drive from the airport to the CBD.
In Gisborne, you can choose from a taxi, rental car or a bus (weekdays only) and it’s really quite hard to get lost.
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The roads winding up the coast and around scenic State Highway 35 are gorgeous, and the settlements are remote. There is no major bus service, so your options are Cooks Courier, rental car, or hiring a bike for a real adventure.
Cooks Passenger and Courier Service leave from the Gisborne i-SITE Visitor Information Centre daily between 1.30 pm and 2 pm, and drives as far as Wharekahika/Hicks Bay, stopping at towns along the way. For bookings, please call 021 371 364.
To find out about all the amazing spots along Highway 35 check out this page which has helpful information about secluded bays, best spots to grab a snack and much much more.