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Take only memories, leave only footprints. 

Travellers have a lot more responsibility these days on how they go about fulfilling their wanderlust. Take for example the Tiaki Promise - a nationwide initiative all across New Zealand to help travellers care, protect and preserve Aotearoa now and for future generations.
If you’re part of the game changers traveling with sustainability at your heart, then here’s a few easy reminders on how to do your part.
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1. BYO reusable water bottle + carry bags

Super simple and a must-do even if you’re not traveling – reusable water bottles are really made for everyday life. So if you haven’t already, it’s time to say goodbye to plastic water bottles. There’s a huge range of eco-friendly reusable waters for all your hydration needs. From double insulated walls, glass water bottles, stainless steel options, flip-top lids, to squeeze top spouts, you name it, it’s been dreamed it up. It’s super handy to have with you while traveling in NZ with clean, refreshing H2O ready to fill from the tap. While you’re at it, remember to have a reusable bag with you – you never know when you’ll need one. 


2. Leave no trace behind

This is actually not as hard as it sounds. It’s just about being more aware about what you bring in with you and what you need to bring out. Don’t let food wrappers go flying in the wind and make sure you use recycle what you can. If you’re out on a day hike or exploring the city to Titirangi Reserve along Tupapa Heritage Trail it may pay to bring a small bag to bring your rubbish out with you in case there are no rubbish bins handy.  And even better, pick up any rubbish you may see along the way – every bit counts!

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3. Buy local

Supporting local farms is a great way to cut down food miles. What’s more is that you get to eat fresh as produce straight from the source. A lot of local growers and makers make it to the Gisborne Farmers Market (held every Saturday morning) so if you want a taste of what’s best in season in Tairāwhiti then this is definitely a must-do. You’ll find homegrown fruit and vegetables from nearby orchards, honey from local hives, fresh squeezed orange juice from Hill Road, Torere Macadamia Nuts, and tasty food trucks to boot.

4. Stay on track

When you’re exploring on foot or by bike (the Motu Trails are epic), remember to stay on the designated track and not to wander off the beaten path. There are fragile ecosystems to consider so best to follow DOC recommendations. It’s also good to follow the marked trail so you don’t get lost and need an emergency rescue to come find you.

Top tip: If you head to a hut, remember to sign the visitor’s logbook so there is a record of when you arrive and when you leave. 

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5. Find out where local recycling and dump stations are

Local i-SITE Visitor Information Centres all across New Zealand have a wealth of useful information for visitors. It’s always a good idea to pop in and find out where local recycling and dump stations are in the area, so you know where you can dispose of rubbish appropriately. If you are traveling in a self-contained vehicle, this is a must-do wherever you travel to in NZ.

The Gisborne Recycling and Refuse Transfer Station (RTS) is located at 69-75 Innes Street in the Awapuni industrial zone. You can read more about fees and opening hours here.

6. Wash your gear between waterways

If you’re heading out boating on lake or trying your hand at some fishing, remember that freshwater pests can spread by activities in and around waterways. Biosecurity New Zealand has some great tips on how you can check, clean and dry your gear to help keep our previous rivers and lakes.

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