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Cultural explorers are in for something special in Whatatutu & Matawai.

Learn about and discover the local ancestral history of Whatatutu at the traditional Māori pa site Te Āhuru Mowai Lloyd Whare where you can explore a traditional fortified village.

Just 45 minutes from central Gisborne, this small rural settlement is surrounded by pristine rivers and beautiful backcountry landscapes.

Matawai is secluded hill country and is the perfect base for a range of recreational activities in the great outdoors including hunting, fishing, hiking and cycling – in particular the epic Motu Trails, one of the twenty-three Great Rides that make up the New Zealand Cycle Trail.

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For activities, attractions and accommodation in Whatatutu & Matawai

Whatatutu & Matawai/Accommodation

Glen Lyon Farmstay Bed And Breakfast

Whatatutu & Matawai/Accommodation

Haurata High Country Retreat / Farm Walks

Whatatutu & Matawai/Attraction

Lake Waikaremoana
