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Is a small town in the Waiapu Valley on the northern bank of the Waiapu River steeped in Māori culture.

The renowned St Mary’s church is the jewel of Tikitiki – a stunning heritage church built in 1924 that is one of New Zealand’s finest Māori churches.



Just south of Tikitiki is the small rural town of Ruatoria.

Home to the only iwi founded rugby union in the country, the mighty Ngāti Porou East Coast Rugby team is known for their fighting spirit and determination to play hard.

Ruatoria is also where the epic tours to maunga Mt Hikurangi begin, where you can enjoy some great coffee and food at the Hati Nati Café, and where you can stay at the accommodating Enz of the Earth guesthouse for the night.

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For activities, attractions and accommodation in Tikitiki & Ruatoria

Tikitiki & Ruatoria/Hospitality

Kai Kart

Tikitiki & Ruatoria/Attraction

St Mary's Church
